


in arbeit







Projekte :: C.O.A.L.
from Carboniferous to Open-eyed Artists on Landscapes

Link ::

Termin ::
the C.O.A.L. – Bridge
Friday, 12.12.2008, 8:00 p.m.

Sound/Visual ::

The C.O.A.L. project
The C.O.A.L. project works on the changing mining landscape and the heritage interest of this landscape, from the Nord-Pas de Calais to the Silesia. It's going beyond borders with the exchange of knowledge and practices, science and art, de-sectorising forms of culture, creating an original and unifying space for interprofessional intercultural dialogue on the theme of mining landscape. C.O.A.L. is realized under the responsibility of the Museum of Natural History in Lille in cooperation with partners in Upper Silesia and Ruhr. C.O.A.L is part of the European Culture Programme 2007-2013, granted by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

C.O.A.L. - Bridge: upload / download

COAL: artistic views on post-industrial landscapes. The basin minier in Nord-Pas Calais/ FR, the Katowice conurbation/ PL and the Ruhrgebiet/ D. are connected by an internet-live-stream. All regions are characterized by common geological history, the legacy of the industrial era and options of postindustrial development.

C.O.A.L. from Carboniferous to open-eyed artists on landscape.

The medium is the message - a contemporary Europe without borders and barriers.

W.Ę.G.I.E.L. / K.O.H.L.E. / C.H.A.R.B.O.N.
C.O.A.L. Broadcasting Union C.B.U.
Art from Poland, Germany, France Performances, Images, Movies, Sounds from: Béatrice Balcou, Ireneusz Borowski, Cléa Coudsi/ Eric Herbin, Aurélie Damon, Diana Diczew/ Pawe³ Szeibel, Simon Gdowicz, Gudrun Kattke, Anna Kopaczewska, Hugo Kostrzewa, Jadwiga Lemañska, Silvia Liebig, Richard Ortmann, Christian Psyk, Cyprien Quairiat, Ralf Rudolf Wassermann, Thomas Wucherpfennig

C.O.A.L. soundtrack noise & emotions:
Jarek Mamszarski /electronics, Piotr Domagalla/ guitars, Wojciech Frankowicz,/trombone, Michael Bereckis/ electronics, saxes, Richard Ortmann/ sounds, saxes Live

Upload / download – we won’t load up mineral resources on conveyors any longer; Our resources - creativity, knowledge, visions - are uploaded and downloaded in the world wide web. Data flows will replace goods flows.

Art is the motor of change.